Industry information

Follow these solar safety rules to minimize your risk

2020-12-23 21:35:05 admin 493

It is the time of the year when everybody seems relaxed and do not want to be bothered about anything. Has the celebration day draws near, we should be conscious about our electrical gadgets since we would be maximizing their functions this period to relax and have a good time with family and friends. You will definitely be working with equipment that can produce hundreds of watts. And safely working with them is extremely important. In this article, we will talk about how you can use your solar system safely without any hazards. Some of the time it might be out of our hands but minimizing the risk is also a consideration.


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Replace worn out wires

Using the solar systems means some of the parts may worn out and expose some dangerous parts of the system. Which may result in Electrocution. Oh yes, you can experience Electrocution with a solar system. A solar panel can generate up to 338W power coming in contact with this load of power can be very disastrous. So, when you see any exposed wire in your solar system you can use black tape or improvise to cover up the damaged part to prevent any hazard.


Call a professional

Yes, you are a science student, but you are not a professional in the solar industry. A safety tip for people at home will be to call a professional to handle any fault in the solar system. Most solar companies in Nigeria have ready-to-go professionals that can handle any fault experienced using solar energy.


Keep away from water

A solar system produces electrical power that can be conducted by water. To ensure a safe usage of your solar system keep the wires, battery, and inverter away from water as much as possible. During installation, some consumers may require that bulbs should be made available in their bathroom. Users should make sure the wires should be kept away from water to prevent electrocution.


Do not overload the solar systems

Solar energy systems can be overloaded. A beebeejump S1 solar energy systems of 338W battery and an output of 150W, when overloaded with a TV of 160W. It causes damage to the system, first, the inverter shuts down and in extreme case, there can be a fire outbreak. To remain safe and ensure you enjoy the full dividend of solar energy you must not in any way overload the system. To make sure you do not overload read the manual that comes with the solar energy system.


Switch off your solar system

When you are not making use of the solar system you can decide to switch it off after it might have charged full. This prevents any damage that might come as a result of bad weather such as thunder, lightening.


A fire extinguisher is needed

In the event of a fire outbreak, a fire extinguisher will be highly needed. A solar energy system damage rarely results in a fire outbreak. Because it has been designed not to do so. But they are exceptional situations that arise as a result of fault from the users. To minimize the risk a fire extinguisher can come in handy.


Safety is important in every sphere of life and it is not different in the solar world. Safety first, safety always applies here.