Industry information

Why your solar power system is not charging

2021-06-08 21:21:40 Timothy 2779

A solar power system consists of a solar panel, a solar battery, and a power inverter. This three components work together to get power from the sun and give you the desired power that will make your electronic appliances work.  Beebeejump S1 solar power system is a special solar home system that can [power your basic home appliances like Tv, decoder, fans, bulbs e.t.c. The system gets power from the sun through the solar panel that will be mounted on the roof or anywhere without the obstruction of sunlight. The power gotten from the solar panel is stored in the lithium-ion battery. The system is supposed to work fine except for the following reason.


Solar panel obstruction

One of the major reason why your system will stop charging or functioning is if there is an obstruction to the solar panel. Obstruction like trees can shade the sunlight away from an incident on the solar panel, making them not capture the sunlight.


Make sure the solar panel is not obstructed by any barrier like trees, fence e.t.c.


Dust on the solar panel

Some made sure there was no obstruction for their solar panel. And they still see their system not charging, well another plausible reason is dust on the panel. When so much dust is glued to the solar panel surface it does not allow proper penetration of sunlight.


Make sure your solar panel does not have much dust on it. You can wipe the surface.


A faulty solar panel

Another reason why your system is not charging is if the panel is faulty. Although the solar panel has been designed to withstand any damage. It can develop a fault, technically this fault can only be remedied by the professionals.


Call a professional


Beebeejump int’l limited after-sales team are professionals with many years of experience in the solar industry. They are capable to fix a faulty solar panel.